Friday, July 29, 2011

the colors duke..the colors!

does anyone else remember that commerical i think it was for some kind of icecream pop or something..anywhoo that phrase came to mind when i saw this pic.  Ive always loved orange and purple together and the combo could be wore in any season in my opinion!

Found this pic on tumblr click it for the source!


  1. Jyes!! Love this color story.

    Great post!

    By the way, we're hosting a chatroom tomorrow at 8pm eastern and we'd love to see you there. Our last one was a HUGE success and we were able to meet tons of new people because everyone repped their blogs & twitter names for the final 30 minutes! Hope to see you there! You'll be sure to have a blast!! =]

    Kimberly, FWB
